Embracing Biodiversity in Cities: How Can We Support Urban Wildlife?

Urbanisation poses challenges to biodiversity, but it's not all bad news for our city-dwelling animal friends! A recent study across 6 continents and 379 cities sheds light on how different species adapt to urban environments. Researchers identified four "urban trait syndromes" that define how animals thrive in cities: mobile generalists, site specialists, central place foragers, and mobile specialists.

How can we support urban wildlife?

Green Spaces: These areas serve as crucial refuges for wildlife, offering  for various species. Native trees, shrubs, and flowers will attract native ,and small These spaces also provide recreational opportunities for urban residents to connect with nature.

Biodiversity-Friendly Infrastructure: This includes wildlife corridors, underpasses, and overpasses across roads and highways. These structures help reduce the risk of roadkill and enable animals to travel safely between habitats, which is particularly vital for species with larger home ranges.

Education and Awareness: Encouraging and supporting a peaceful co-existence between humans and nature in cities, and spreading awareness about the importance of  biodiversity and the services that nature provides to us.

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