EU Adopts Landmark Law to Restore Ecosystems

The European Union has taken a significant step towards environmental conservation by adopting the first-ever EU law aimed at restoring degraded ecosystems across member states. This groundbreaking legislation mandates the restoration of at least 20% of the EU's land and sea areas by 2030 and sets comprehensive targets for ecosystem restoration by 2050. With over 80% of European habitats currently in poor condition, urgent action is needed to reverse environmental degradation and habitat loss.

Under the new law, member states are required to restore habitats covered by the legislation from poor to good condition, with targets increasing over time. Priority will be given to Natura 2000 areas, ensuring the protection of Europe's most biodiverse landscapes. Additionally, measures will be implemented to improve biodiversity in agricultural ecosystems, including the restoration of drained peatlands and the promotion of sustainable farming practices.

Key provisions include an emergency brake mechanism, allowing for the temporary suspension of targets for agricultural ecosystems under exceptional circumstances. This ensures a balance between environmental conservation and the agricultural sector, safeguarding food production while promoting biodiversity.

The law also emphasizes the importance of restoring forests, rivers, and urban green spaces, recognizing their crucial role in supporting biodiversity and mitigating climate change. By planting three billion trees and restoring thousands of kilometers of rivers, the EU aims to enhance ecosystem resilience and protect vital habitats for wildlife.

In the words of rapporteur César Luena, "Today is an important day for Europe, as we move from protecting and conserving nature to restoring it." This landmark legislation reflects a collective effort to address urgent environmental challenges and reaffirms the EU's commitment to building a sustainable future. As the law moves forward for adoption, it marks a significant milestone in the EU's journey towards environmental stewardship and conservation.

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